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Operational excellence

Are you a performance driven organisation?

The continuous pursuit of Operational Excellence is more relevant now than ever. Companies are looking to reduce risk, increase productivity and cut costs. And all this without sacrificing quality delivered to the customer.
Operational Excellence is what leads to sustainable continuous improvement of a company while ensuring the best customer experience.

Business Meeting

Our approach

One step at a time


Current state assessment

To be able to grow your organisation, you need to know where you are. Exactly. Knowing where you are is, sometimes, not as simple as it seems. We work with you to determine the current state of your organisation using our three lense perspective:

Processes and tools currently in place

governance, cascade of meetings, KPIs, other measurements and reporting you have in place.

Mindsets and behaviors 

What are the prevailing mindsets and what behaviours do they produce?

Leadership and management

What is the leadership model? How well does it apply? How well developed is second line management?

We use a holistic and exhaustive analysis applying tools such as cascade of meetings analysis, performance management surveys, customer experience surveys, M&B surveys, process mapping tools, automation, demand and capacity analysis.


Required future state co-setup

To design the future state it is important to review the various threads that weave the future of the business environment and the business itself. How are employees changing? How are work practices changing? Where is the business in terms of digital transformation? Do our operations support digital transformation and automation? Are the market segments we target today viable moving into the future? How should what we are selling today evolve tomorrow? Are there foreseable disruptions in our industry?
It is necessary to map the path that will bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be.
Possibly the most important issue to address in such an endeavour is an organisational mindset that produces a culture of change and embraces transformation.


Planning and execution

When planning the various initiatives we make sure to link the actions to their origin and destination: Why are they necessary and what are they expected to deliver. We use tools such as the rolling story board to link all actions to the root cause and the anlysis that identified its need.
We plan ahead focusing initially on quick wins to win the hearts and minds of employees and involve them early-on in the process to develop agents of change.



We are all about creating internal capabilities within the client organisation. This is our central philosophy and we do this during the consulting phase of the project and/or within formal training workshops.
We offer training customised to your needs, utilising lean management tools, change management and thought leadership principles.

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